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3D Character Modeling
*Learn the ins and out of this program and the fundamental concepts of 3D to create professional-lo...

3D Fantasy ArchViz: From Design to NFT | Download
*In this online course, learn to push the limits of design to create surreal 3D visualizations. Max...

Adobe Photoshop for Web Design
*Start this course by getting to know the basic principles of the program: from learning how to conf...

Ancient Fantasy Character Design – Dark Angel | Download
*I will tell you how to find the core focus at each stage and complete ап illustration step by ste...

Animación para ilustradores con Photoshop
*En este curso online, aprenderás a animar tus ilustraciones. Miguel Angel, compartirá contigo sus t...

Animación tipográfica para Motion designers
*Aprenderás a diseñar títulos simples y estéticamente modernos con la técnica de clean title Descubr...

Animated Lettering for GIFs: Boost Your Online Presence | Download
*In this course, he teaches you how to draw and develop playful lettering for your own collection o...

Animation from Scratch with Adobe Animate | Download
*Designers, animators, character creators, and anyone who enjoys humor and is looking to bring thei...

Arabic Script for Digital Lettering | Download
*In this online course, Wael teaches you the possibilities of the Arabic script by examining its hi...

Blender Beginner’s Bootcamp (3D Tudor) | Download
*Blender is a free and open-source 3D creation software that's used for everything from creating vi...

Blender Character Creator for Video Games Design
*Model Video Game Characters. Use The Sculpt Tool To Shape, Add Texture, Rig & Animate Video Game Ch...

Blender: Introducción al modelado 3D | Download
*De la mano de Esteban, revisarás cómo optimizar el UV mapping, el UV grid map y cómo crear textura...

Blender: Modelado 3D Estilizado Enfocado a Impresión 3D (Spanish) | Download
*Este curso es para quienes desean aprender como crear personajes 3D estilizados y llevarlos de man...

Canva Basics: Crea diseños para Instagram en menos de 1 hora
*En menos de una hora aprenderás a crear diseños profesionales para las redes sociales de tu marca.*...

Captivating and Dynamic Character Creation | Download
*Jackie will unravel the secrets of illustrating stylized characters brimming with personality. Dis...

Character Animation and Expression with Maya | Download
*In this course, Sagar teaches you the fundamentals of animation and how to apply them to your wor...

3D Character Modeling for Organic and Hard Surfaces | Download
*In this online course, you'll embark on a fascinating journey into the world of Zbrush, a powerful...

3D Character Modelling with Cinema 4D for Beginners | Download
*In this course, he teaches you the fundamentals of 3D modeling using Cinema 4D and Redshift. Join ...

Children's Narrative: Create Lively Characters | Download
*In this course, learn how to write stories by developing a character based on their historical con...

Complete Adobe After Effects Course – Ruben Guo (Spanish) | Download
*Many people fail to use this wonderful tool in their videos because it can be very unintuitive and...

Comprehensive 3D Animation Course in Autodesk Maya 2020-2024 | Download
*The first objective of this course is to help you understand the core concepts of 3D and 3D animat...

Copywriting for Audiovisual Entertainment Pieces
*You will discover how to create creative scripts that sell audiovisual pieces effectively. Across f...

Creating and Painting Fantasy Scenarios in Photoshop | Download
*In this course, learn to conceptualize, design, compose, and paint a fantasy scene rich in detail ...

Creation of a Streetwear Brand (Smithe, Designer) | Download
*In this course, learn to create a streetwear brand from scratch, starting with a concept and worki...

Creative Fashion Illustration Techniques | Download
*In this course, fashion illustrator Connie Lim teaches you how to combine traditional drawing tech...

Creative Gameplay Maps: Illustrate a Fantasy World
*In this online course, Andrew takes you step-by-step through the magical world of fantasy mapmakin...

Data Visualization Course: Turning Data into Art | Download
*Discover the power of "data experience" through Nicole's expertise, known for her highly graphic, ...

Digital Art: NFTs and the Metaverse
*In this course we will explore the fascinating world of NFTs and the metaverse with the help of So...

Digital Fashion Design with Cinema 4D and CLO 3D | Download
*Learn the fundamentals of design in a virtual environment and how to transpose your ideas onto the...

Digital Illustration of Fantasy Animals for Beginners
*Learn how to create imaginative animal illustrations using a graphics tablet and Adobe Photoshop (...

Digital Illustration of Patterns for Products | Download
*This course is for anyone interested in learning how to create patterns digitally and explore the ...

Digital Illustration Techniques for Engaging Stories | Download
*In this online course, learn illustration techniques to create meaningful digital art with a narra...

Digital Illustration: When Color Meets Imagination | Download
*Illustrator Rick Berkelmans likes to visualize communities, relationships between people, and thei...

Diseño de logotipos con Draplin: Secretos de la forma, el tipo y el color
*En esta clase de 70 minutos, acompañarás a Aaron entre bastidores, mientras comparte su proceso de ...

Drawing Journal: Create Fantasy Characters | Download
*Learn how to draw original creatures through different exercises and sketches and watch the pages ...

Editing a Documentary with Adobe Premiere Pro | Download
*In this online course, she teaches you her editing techniques to tell engaging stories that evoke ...

Editorial Content Design: A News Experience | Download
*You will discover how design goes beyond aesthetics; it is a language that makes content understan...

Escultura Digital Avanzada (Spanish) - Libel Academy | Download
*Diseñado para que pierdas el miedo al ZBrush, porque no se necesita ser un experto para llegar a r...

Estrategias comunicativas para creativos
*Marion lo guía a través del proceso de identificar sus fortalezas como creativo y desarrollar su es...

Experimental Graphics (Martin Sati)
*Create your own MicroStory by choosing a simple story to represent in a vector format and by using...

Expressive Illustration and Lettering for Editorial Design
*In this course, Justin teaches you how to incorporate both lettering and illustration into a singl...

Fantasy Character Design in Photoshop: Create Magical Worlds | Download
*Claudya will reveal her creative process, teaching you how to craft vibrant, one-of-a-kind charact...

Futuristic 3D Environments with Photoshop and Blender | Download
*In this online course, he teaches you how to design fantastical sci-fi worlds using Blender and Ph...

Futuristic User Interfaces for Movies and Games | Download
*In this online course, Ernex explains his process for creating a fictional user interface, from th...

Graphic Design: Composition of Commercial Images | Download
*You will create a visual composition that highlights a brand's identity. Through the combination o...

Graphic Experimentation: From Concept to Illustration
*Learn how to link a text to your own experiences while exploring a range of materials, to turn eac...

How to create cool textures for digital creations | Download
*Doublenaut's work is a fusion of punk, psychedelic art, and music, combined with a passion for exp...

Illustrated Deck of Cards Creation | Download
*In this course, learn to illustrate a pack of cards from the initial sketches to the final artwork...

Illustrated pattern design: Eye catching vector illustrations | Download
*Throughout the course, you'll discover how Nick draws inspiration from the ever-changing and diver...

Illustrating Fantastical Animals with Procreate
*In this online course, she teaches you how to illustrate eye-catching characters using Procreate. ...

Illustrating Imaginary Cartoon Characters | Download
*Behind every great story, there's always expert character design. To illustrate your characters, l...

Ilustración de retratos satíricos
*En este curso, Costhanzo te enseñará a encontrar tu mirada del mundo y transformarla en insolente y...

Informative Illustration: Awakening Curiosity
*Learn how to create an informative illustration from beginning to end. Bruno teaches you how to fi...

Introducción a la animación (Tom Bancroft) | Download
*This course uses 2D Animation, however the principles also apply to CG (3D) Animation and Stop Mot...
 consiguelogratis freecoursescibernautas cursoscibernautas_2w8j8q.webp)
Introduction to After Effects (Zenzuke) | Download
*Learn how to use two key tools for 2D animation: masks and layers. Then, create different video ef...

Introduction to Color Theory for Visual Communication
*His unique approach, rooted in purity, simplicity, concepts with emotional resonance, and bold col...

Introduction to Creating Illustrations for Risograph Printing | Download
*In this online course, you'll learn how to adapt your own designs into captivating Risograph illus...

Introduction to Minimalist Graphic Design | Download
*Work with your hands, not the computer! All you need is black and white paper, as well as cutting ...

Introduction to Screen Printing for Illustration | Download
*In this online course, Charlotte teaches you how to create bold and playful screen-printed illustr...
 consiguelogratis freecoursescibernautas cursoscibernautas_1UGsK6.webp)
Introduction to SketchUp (Alejandro Soriano) | Download
*In the third course, learn to create and manage groups and components, seeing how to integrate the...

Kinetic Typography Create a Visual Concept in Motion | Download
*Learn how to make a typographic animation with moving coded elements using Illustrator and After E...

Learn Photoshop in 1 hour | 2024 features | Download
*You can also use the same techniques presented in the video on your own photos. Make sure you use ...

Line Art Master - Create stunning drawings with Adobe Photoshop | Download
*In a series of enjoyable, succinct lessons, I’ll show you my professional level techniques and tri...

Logo Design: From Monogram Design to Type | Download
*Create a captivating logo with a monogram for the company of your choice. Guided by Jeff PAG's exp...

Mr. Lemonade: Pack Completo 6 Cursos de colección + Recursos (Spanish) | Download
*Soy Mr. Lemonade nací en México trabajo como ilustrador independiente, he tenido la fortuna de col...

NFT Art for Beginners: Creation & Marketplaces | Download
*In this online course, designer and crypto artist Marian Pedroza teaches you all about the world o...

Pack Colección: ZBrush, Maya - Modelado y Diseño (Vol.1)
*Aprende Modelado y diseño con Zbrush y Maya para principiantes y avanzados - Pack Colección: ZBrush...

Painting in Procreate: Reimagine Your Surroundings
*Dive into the world of digital painting with Mikko, a seasoned concept artist, illustrator, and art...

Patrones pintados a mano y digitalizados con Photoshop
*Explora el arte de crear patrones llamativos y repetibles en este curso en línea dirigido por Marta...

Perspective Drawing: Creating Illustrations with Dimension | Download
*This class aims to teach everything you need to know about the fundamental skill of drawing perspe...

Poster Illustration for Feel-Good Interiors | Download
*In this course, she teaches you how to create personal and inspiring artwork that brings life to y...

Principios de animación de logos para principiantes: animación de marcas denominativas
*Dado que la gente reacciona mejor a los videos que a las imágenes, la animación de los logotipos pu...

Product Photography: From Mobile Phone to Digital Editing
*In this course, learn to create your own product photographs with your phone and retouch them in L...

Realistic 3D Portraits with ZBrush and KeyShot | Download
*In this course, 3D character modeler Davide Sasselli, who specializes in realistic digital portrai...

Retro Character Design for Animation | Download
*In this online course, analyze different ages of cartoon styles ranging from the 20s to the 60s. T...

Sci-fi Concept Art: Create Cinematic Key Frames | Download
*In this online course, learn Julian’s method for developing high-quality cinematic key frames usin...

Start Painting Colorful Portraits in Procreate | Download
*After the class not only you will be able to paint portraits, but you will also be able to paint a...

T-Shirt Typography Design (Joaquín Lluis) | Download
*Throughout the course, Joaquín will teach you to define your identity and project concept, as well...

Tipografía de marca avanzada
*Te adentrarás en los fundamentos esenciales del diseño tipográfico y aprenderás a dar vida a fuente...

Traditional Techniques for Digital Illustration | Download
*In this online course, learn to compose illustrations using both manual and digital techniques. Wi...

3D Typography with Blender: Design Original Letters | Download
*In this online course, learn to design original letters that speak volumes. Alper teaches you his ...

Unreal Engine 5 For Beginners: Learn The Basics Of Virtual Production (Updated: 69 GB) | Download
*By the end of the course you will be able to create your own scene and set your preferred mood usi...

Urban Portrait: Connecting with our Subject | Download
*This course is designed for anyone passionate about portrait photography and exploring the human c...

Vector Character Design With Geometric Shapes
*Laurens and Chantal will guide you through the fascinating process of crafting fun characters from...

Vibrant Lettering: Find Your Style Through Pop Culture | Download
*He has been the vice president of digital design for the MTV Entertainment Group, held a leading g...

Visual Identity Design: Clean and Simple Geometry
*Visual identity systems are more than logos and color palettes. They are a graphic tool that helps ...

Visual identity design with an illustrated soul
*In this online course, you'll discover the fascinating relationship between visual imagery and mel...

Visual Identity for Creatives and Brands
*In this course, Anna teaches you how to create a visual identity step by step and use different to...