Start Painting Colorful Portraits in Procreate | Download

Start Painting Colorful Portraits in Procreate | Download

After the class not only you will be able to paint portraits, but you will also be able to paint anything you see thanks to the color theory you learned in the process. - download free / courses free cibernautas #consiguelogratis libros consiguelogratis multimedia consiguelogratis

Start Painting Colorful Portraits in Procreate | Download

In this class, you will learn step by step how to paint a portrait that is full of color, realism and playfulness. We will pay special attention to color and learn how to push the colors of the things you see to make them more fun to paint.

After the class not only you will be able to paint portraits, but you will also be able to paint anything you see thanks to the color theory you learned in the process. The skills of seeing color and its many components can translate to so many art forms and I hope this course inspires you to create work from the colorful world around you!

In the class, we will cover:
Color Theory (value, hue, saturation, temperature)
Choosing a reference image
Portrait-drawing basics for Procreate
Simplifying a portrait into planes
Fundamentals of blocking colors
Blending planes of different colors
This class is designed for you to practice a lot with questions, exercises, and more! I hope you have fun working on tiny exercises as well as seeing your final project, a fully completed portrait, come to life with all the skills you’ve learned!

This class is for beginner and intermediate level students. Only previous experience working with Procreate is required.

To follow this class, you will only need an Ipad with Procreate installed and an apple pencil.

Hands-on Class Project
Your project for this class is to complete one colorful portrait using the techniques I will teach you.

Remember to upload images of your final project as well as the steps in between to the project gallery! I would love for you to upload one picture of your portrait’s color structure without details, and one of the finished version, with all the detail you want to add to it.

I chose this project because when painting portraits, artists can feel constrained to using one or two colors, but with a bit of practice you can explore a lot more possibilities. I like that this method gives you freedom to express a reality different than what you see, but that still makes sense. It’s the perfect mix between playfulness and realism

When you’re making the project, you have freedom to do it how you want. You can exaggerate the colors you see (like I like to do) or work with more realistic colors.

2. Orientation
3. Choosing a Reference Image
4. Seeing Colour
5. Drawing
6. Understanding Planes
7. Drawing Planes
8. Painting Planes part I
9. Painting Planes part II
10. Blending Planes
11. Final Piece
12. Conclusion and a Dance!

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