Portraiture for Beginners: Drawing Eyes That Reveal Emotions | Download

 Portraiture for Beginners: Drawing Eyes That Reveal Emotions | Download

Understanding the expression of an eye and drawing its emotions accurately is not an easy task. Transferring observations to the page and honing in on how to add details that carry emotion are skills you can bring into other drawings, not just of eyes but beyond, like portraiture etc.

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Portraiture for Beginners: Drawing Eyes That Reveal Emotions | Download

Are you an artistic person who loves drawing portraits? Are you looking for more ways to convey expression in portraiture? Join me, your friend Artist Ankit Jasmatiya as I am going to teach this detailed beginners guide to drawing eyes that carry emotion.

Did you know that an eye can have more than 15 complex expressions? Studies show that people interpret a person’s emotions by analyzing the expression in their eyes, so Shakespeare was right when he wrote, “the eyes are a window to the soul.”

Understanding the expression of an eye and drawing its emotions accurately is not an easy task. Transferring observations to the page and honing in on how to add details that carry emotion are skills you can bring into other drawings, not just of eyes but beyond, like portraiture etc.

In this class students will do the following:

Find and work closely with reference images to create realistic drawings
Draw the shapes and forms that make up the parts of an eye
Observe eyes with different emotional expressions
Adjust parts of the eyes to convey happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, and suspicion
Practice shading techniques to achieve realism
Teaching is always a passionate thing for me and I’m so excited to teach about how emotion enhances portraits. Beautiful drawings of people bring us in because of how the artist captured expression or emotions and I can’t wait to show you how to do this in your own work through focusing on
drawing eyes in this class.

I am super excited to take you through this amazing journey where art and emotions meet!

Student reviews from drawing classes:
“Excellent class. It’s the only class I keep coming back to. Great examples as well” : Angela Grant
“This is the best drawing class I’ve taken yet. He’s very clear in his explanations and very organized. He’s also a beautiful artist”: Merrill Gill

“Thanks a lot to Ankit, I am an absolute beginner, and I stay alone and working from home. I thought of taking up sketching to take my mind off depressing thoughts. And this course helped me a lot. I am still learning but because of the examples and tips Ankit provides I have started to love sketching” : Lathesh Salian

Hands-on Class Project
The project for this class is to create 5 different expressions of an eye, each one featuring an emotion such as:

You could plan to draw 5 versions of the same eye where each captures a different emotion or you could draw one emotion for different eyes 5 times. I recommend you give yourself at least 15 to 30 minutes to complete each expression, for example 15 minutes for happy eyes and 15 for excited eyes likewise.

Feel free to be creative and add things like makeup, colorful eyeballs, heavy eyelashes or dropping tears from the eyes. I can’t wait to see what you come up with, so please post your final projects in the project gallery.

To complete this project, you will need…

Must have tools:
Graphite pencil of grades: 2B, 6B
Eraser of any brand
Sharpener of any type
Soft Brushes (watercolor brush)
Desirable Tools:

Graphite pencil of grades: HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8B, Charcoal pencils Erasers: Kneaded eraser, mono zero eraser/pencil eraser Sharpener: mechanical sharpener Brushes: Makeup brushes or different sizes.

2. Project & Materials
3. Understanding Eye Anatomy
4. Drawing a Basic Eye
5. Observing the Emotion
6. Drawing Happy Eyes
7. Drawing Sad Eyes
8. Drawing Excited Eyes
9. Drawing Suspicious Eyes
10. Drawing Angry Eyes
11. Conclusion

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