Course Pack: Podcast, Voiceover, Locution | Download

Course Pack: Podcast, Voiceover, Locution | Download

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Course Pack: Podcast, Voiceover, Locution | Download

Temporary promotion, take advantage to get selected and personalized course packs, you can choose the courses or leave them by default, you can even contact us to request courses that are not on our websites to include them in the pack.

Default course list.
List ordered according to the order of the image.

01.- Podcast Production (Skillshare)
02.- Intro to Voice-over Techniques for Advertising (Domestika)
03.- Geh ins Ohr, bleib im Kopf - Dein Experten Kurs zum erfolgreichen Podcast Start (Skillshare)
04.- Gets in your ear, stays in your head - Your expert course for a successful podcast launch (Skillshare)
05.- Intro to Technical Podcast Production (Domestika)
06.- How To Start A Podcast People Will Actually Listen To (Skillshare)
07.- Podcast Production for Beginners: Captivate Your Listeners (Domestika)
08.- Intro to Podcast Production: Tell Stories That Inspire (Domestika)
09.- Introduction to Dubbing (Domestika)
10.- Introduction to Interviewing: The Art of Conversation (Domestika)
11.- Public Speaking: Find Your Unique Voice (Domestika)
12.- Nonfiction Script Writing for Narrative Podcasts (Domestika)
13.- How to Have a Good Voice: The Secret of the Professionals (Udemy)
14.- Oral Storytelling for Beginners (Domestika)
15.- Voice-over and Presentation Techniques for Podcasts (Domestika)
16.- Dubbing of cartoon characters with Luis Carreño (Crehana)
17.- Diction and neutral accent (Netzun)
18.- Voice dubbing from 0 (Netzun)
19.- Discover the voice-over with Mario Arvizu (Crehana)
20.- Dubbing and voice acting with Mario Arvizu (Crehana)
21.- Audio Stories: Create Narratives with Sound (Domestika)
22.- Introduction to Voice-over for Animation (Domestika)
23.- Intro to Podcast Creation: From Recording to Mixing (Domestika)
24.- Communicate with Confidence: Learn to Give Powerful Speeches (Domestika)

Product Information
- INITIAL Promotion 16.50 Dollars (You get 24 courses)
- INTERMEDIATE Promotion 28.50 Dollars (You get 50 courses)
- ADVANCED Promotion 45.50 Dollars (You get 110 courses)
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